

Softonic review

A free mod for Dragon Age, by Leon Fenten.

Dragon Age Origins: Reanimation is an exciting new mod for Dragon Age: Origins. It is an off-shoot of the previous one called Conjuration, and is based on the concept of resurrection, reanimation. It adds 12 new spells to the Mages' archive.

There are different types of reanimation; the type found in this mod, in particular, revolves around the idea of resuscitating skeletal minions from the dead, and then granting them diverse abilities, powers, and skills.

A certain limitation does exist within this system: while it is certainly possible to animate more than one minion at the same time, it is not feasible animate more than one of the same class. It is possible, therefore, to have a Wizard and a Shaman resurrected at once, but not two Wizards, nor two Healers, nor two Shamans revived at the same time.

Four spells belong to a mastery line that should upgrade the power of your creatures, so that your minions, in turn, can move up to a higher level, as well as acquire permanent buffs and new weapon kits. 

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